Saturday, April 19, 2014

Computer GK Question Paper 29

Computer GK Sample Question Paper No. 29:  Computer GK Sample Question Papers as part of Computer GK Sample Papers for Competitive Exams, PSU Exam, State Govt & Central Govt. Examinations held each years. Here is Sample questions asked based on Computer GK in various exams.

Computer GK Question Paper:
* Less expensive than leased line networks is not a characteristic of virtual private networks (PVN
* Program policy framework provides strategic direction to an organization
* Cross bar switches have common control
* Row-level security is the most basic part for database security
* Voice recognition software can not be used for converting text into voice
* The user account can only be created by the network administrator
* IBM-700 belongs to second generation
* Allocating adequate bandwidth would help her in speeding up the data transfer over net
* BCD means binary coded decimal
* Extended system configuration data is same as BIOS
* Digitizer is an input device
* Caramel is the latest platform of Intel Centrio microprocessor
* RISC is known as storage device
* NORTON is an anti-virus
* The system file of an operating system is COM
* ATMs of bank have real currency
* A program that converts high level language to machine language is assembler
* ‘.txt’ files can be made in notepad, MS word, DOS editor
* .Zip is a compressed file
* MP3 technology compresses a sound sequence to one-twelfth of its original size
* At a time only one operating system can be at work on a computer
* If multiple programs can be executed at the same time, it is distributed operating system
* If the operating system provides quick attention, it is real time operating system
* Distributed operating system uses network facility
* FORMAT command in MS-DOS is used for recreating disk information
* COPY command in MS-DOS is used to copy one or more files in disk drive to another, copy from one directory to another directory
* REN command is Internal command
* Tom Burners-Li propounded the concept of “World wide web”
* The memory address sent from the CPU to the main memory over a set of wires is called address bus
* MODEM is an electronic device required the computer to connect to the INTERNET
* A source program is a program which is to be Tran scripted in machine language
* Virus in computer relates to program
* Floppy is not a storage medium in the computer related hardware
* DOS floppy disk does not have a boot record
* The CPU in a computer comprises of Store, arithmetic and logical unit and control unit
* In computer parlor a mouse is a screen saver

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  1. Its Tim Berners Lee not Tom burners li

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