Sunday, August 4, 2013

Computer GK Question Paper 11

Computer GK Sample Question Paper No. 11:  Computer GK Sample Question Paper No. 11 as part of Computer GK Sample Papers for Competitive Exams, PSU Exam, State Govt & Central Govt. Examinations held each years. Here is Sample questions asked based on Computer GK in various exams.

Computer GK Question Paper 11
Q.181 Which of the following holds the ROM, RAM, CPU ?
A. Hard Disk
C. Mother Board
D. None of the above
Answer : C

Q.182 Magnetic Tape used _________ access method.
A. Random
B. Sequential
C. Direct
D. None of the above
Answer : B

Q.183 What is the difference between Memory and Storage?
A. Memory is Temporary and Storage is Permanent
B. Memory is Permanent and Storage is Temporary
C. Memory is Slow and Storage is Fast
D. None of the above
Answer : A

Q.184 The Language that the computer can understand is called _______.
A. High Level Language
B. Machine Language
C. System Program
D. Assembly Language
Answer : B

Q.185 ALU stands for?
A. Arithmetic Logic Unit
B. Arithmetic Logical Unit
C. Arithmetic Logic Uniform
D. None of the above
Answer : A

Q.186 MODEM stands for?
A. Multicomputer Operating Device Memory
B. Modulator Demodulator
C. Mega Storage Devide
D. None of the above
Answer : B

Q.187 Basis path testing falls under?
A. System Testing
B. White Box Testing
C. Black Box Testing
D. Unit Testing
Answer : B

Q.188 What is the size of the Unicode character in Windows Operating System?
A. 8-Bits
B. 16-Bits
C. 32-Bits
D. 64-Bits
Answer : C

Q.189 Refreshing Dynamic memory means?
A. Capacitor must recharged periodically
B. Capacitor must discharged periodically
C. Removing capacitor
D. None of the above
Answer : A

Q.190 ROM is needed for storing an initial program called _______.
A. Computer Startup Loader
B. Bootstrap Loader
C. OS Version
D. None of the above
Answer : B
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1 comment:

  1. the ans is wrong Of Q. 185,
    Correct ans is ( B )
